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Squeezie Animals
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#SS7388Freckles the Frog$3.49
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#SS7389Sammy Sun Fish$3.49
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#SS7390KoKo Kitten$3.49
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#SS7391Ginger Giraffe$3.49
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#SS73934-pk Squeezie Animals$11.99
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#AA-Squeezie Animals
Squeezie Animals

Squeezie Animals

About Squeezie Animals

Designed especially for therapeutic squeezing and finger strengthening, these darling fidget squeezies are delightfully detailed and colorful.  Squeezie Animals make a fun stress relief toy for the office, meetings, or an awesome silent classroom fidget tool that can help keep restless fingers busy and minds more focused.  Sold individually or in a 4-pack assortment.  NEAT!