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The Pinch Grip (from the Pencil Grip)
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#HW7785Single Pinch Grip$1.79
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#HW7786Pinch Grip 25-pk$42.99
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#HW7787Pinch Grip 50-pk$81.99
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The Pinch Grip from the Pencil ...

The Pinch Grip (from the Pencil Grip)

About The Pinch Grip (from the Pencil Grip)

New! Another innovative new pencil grip from the Pencil Grip Folks! This smart-design, comfy new intermediate grip is a step up developmentally from the Crossover Grip, but provides a bit more support then the original "The Pencil Grip." Sold in singles, 25- or 50-packs. You'll love it!

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.