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Silly Sammy Yarn Fiddle Ball
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Silly Sammy Yarn Fiddle Ball

Silly Sammy Yarn Fiddle Ball

About Silly Sammy Yarn Fiddle Ball

Nifty little 2-1/2" squishy fidget ball with 2 big silly eyes!  Silly Sammy Yarn Fiddle ball is completely covered in very thick and cushy fluffy yarn. Kids adore this touchy feely tactile fidget wonder that caresses palms and tickles your fingers with soft massaging tactile input as you squish, squash, and toss away.  This superb sensory fidget ball is a great choice for skin pickers, hair pullers, trichotillomania, dermatillomania, and other tactile sensory seekers.  Comes in assorted bright solid colors.  For ages 4-up. 

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.